Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Personal Shoot- De

Please welcome the newest member to the Headshot Society: DeAna Jones! *crowd goes wild* lol. My craziness was showing during this shoot and needless to say there were lots of laughs :D I was able to test out my new backdrops in my studio setup and I was very happy with them! There were 2 more other than the b&w pattern shown, but I'm sure those will show in pictures for a future shoot~ I also applied a whole new take to photo editing , which I learned from my lessons at the Photoshop World Expo.
Over the next 6 months I hope to acquire a new set of equipment and techniques, but I'm laying low till my last semester calms down. I'll do my best to keep posting at least once a week in the meantime! Hasta luego~!

1 comment:

  1. there's a natural quality to these shots. they're not over done, they're understated and natural looking. The one with the patterned bg is lovely, and looks like it could be an Ad for anything.
