Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Personal Shoot- De

Please welcome the newest member to the Headshot Society: DeAna Jones! *crowd goes wild* lol. My craziness was showing during this shoot and needless to say there were lots of laughs :D I was able to test out my new backdrops in my studio setup and I was very happy with them! There were 2 more other than the b&w pattern shown, but I'm sure those will show in pictures for a future shoot~ I also applied a whole new take to photo editing , which I learned from my lessons at the Photoshop World Expo.
Over the next 6 months I hope to acquire a new set of equipment and techniques, but I'm laying low till my last semester calms down. I'll do my best to keep posting at least once a week in the meantime! Hasta luego~!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Jerell Family Photoshoot

Hello world~! I haven't been able to post for a few weeks now but here's the review- Last week traveled to Vegas to attend the Photoshop World Convention which was an information overload and was also VERY exhausting! I had a great time tho and hopefully I can attend again next year~! I was fortunate enough to be able to go for free thanks to a generous professor who applied for a scholarship for me and a few other students :) The unfortunate thing is that the expo was during the 2nd week of school so now I'm playing catch-up!
Well, as for the photography, these photos are from the family shoot I did a few weekends ago~ This is Jerell and his family~! We ended up shooting at the Huntington Central Park, which was HUGE and pretty. Though the shoot turned out great, Jerell and I had grandiose plans for a shoot in a Mansion or at a few other locations that didn't work out! haha, oh well at least we tried!
I've got one shoot that I'm working on at the moment, I should have the photos done by tonight. Other than that, because this is my last semester for earning my BFA, I'm cutting down on booking shoots for the next few months. Most of my uploaded photos will be from older unfinished personal shoots :) Well, tata for now~!